FunnelSoft Starter Kit
- The FunnelSoft Starter Kit is offered as a fast-start, entry-level alternative to incorporating the KappaEast proprietary methodology into a packaged, or custom developed, SFA system. While a single integrated SFA/CRM may be a longer term goal, the FunnelSoft Starter Kit enables clients to reap immediate benefits from the KappaEast Sales Operations Management Process and avoid the delays, and up front costs, of such a development project.
- The FunnelSoft Starter Kit includes:
- Funnel
- Decision Map
- Call PlanThe Starter Kit is modified within a set series of parameters to deliver the tools as customized for the client’s Sales Operations Management Process.
- The Starter Kit is written in Excel and Word and it is provided to clients on an as-is basis. It includes 30 days of maintenance and support and requires clients to designate a single point of contact to function as a System Administrator (SA). The Starter Kit includes the modifications described above and one day of training for the designated client SA. It does not include additional training, design and development work, and does not include ongoing support. Ongoing maintenance, support and enhancements are the responsibility of the client.
- The Starter Kit will operate on users’ local PC’s and will require some communications vehicle (e-mail, intranet, etc.) for any rollup/consolidation incorporated in the client’s Sales Operations Process.